Embedded channels cleaning and charging for additive structures



One of the main advantages of 3d printing by metal is internal cavities, channels. They are used for liquid transfer, infill by resin, working fluid or other materials - to provide unique properties or functions. During 3d-printing, the powder is staying in all unmelted parts of the layer. As a result, cavities are filled with metal powder. The aim is to make a device for cleaning first and charging as an option of cavities using a small vacuum chamber. 
Required skills:

  • Basic mechanical skills
  • Microcontroller operation (Arduino, Raspberry or similar)
  • Systems engineering
Outcome skills:

  • Vacuum lines design (lines, valves, operation)
  • Additive technology course at CDMM (optional)

  • Potential for patent
  • Potential for commercialization
  • Potential for outside investments
  • Paper in Journal