Engineering project

This is an assembly of the first Skoltech Cubesat - its engineering model. Cubesat on board computer (OBC) is placed on the top. It is based on STM32L4 microcontroller, its hardware was fully developed by students of the Space Center. This OBC may host BeagleBone Black Industrial computer, which increases its computational power. One of the functions, implemented in the OBC is attitude determination and control (ADC) - the OBC can control magnetic torques to orientate the satellite towards desirable direction. Another key function is running intersatellite communication protocol. Algorithms for both of these tasks are now being developped by our PhD students.
The assebly also includes side panels and power system, made in Skoltech, and UHF transmitter. The novelty in our power system comparing to existing commercial solutions is an own fully independant RF beacon, which will enable communication with the satellite in case of the main transmitter failure.