The international online school “Skills for the Future - 2022”, supported by the Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering, has ended.
Last week more than 40 students aged 16 to 24 from seven countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, India, Ukraine, Pakistan, Nigeria and Ghana - took part in Skoltech organized international project school. This year the school was comprised of the two main tracks: medicine and space. The participants gained practical experience working in international teams on actual and breakthrough topics.
During the “Skills for the Future - 2022” the participants worked in various formats:
- lectures of experts and speakers from Skoltech and other organizations,
- workshops,
- project team work,
- international clubs and networking events.
The space track participants have learned modern strategies and policies concerning space exploration, including Moon exploration, using autonomous systems and space robotics. The space track included work on a technical project on programming and controlling a robot on a remote testing ground, using the basic principles of computer vision, autonomous navigation and state machines. In addition, the space track participants have conducted market research on newly evolving sectors of the space market: space tourism, space mining and space robotics/rovers.
“The international online school is a great chance to learn about Skoltech and key areas of its research being anywhere in the world, as well as to gain practical competencies in international teams working on current projects in the field of space exploration,” said Antonina Gromyko, project coordinator at the Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering.
The partners of the School are Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering, Medivestgroup, the Kruzhok Association, Skyeng, Shiffers Institute, Voltbro project. This School was organized and implemented through a grant from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “Rosmolodyozh”.
"Международная проектная школа для молодых специалистов «Построй общее будущее» реализуется при поддержке ФАДМ «Росмолодежь"
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