Happy New Year!
Skoltech PhD student Ilia Khomchenko and Henni Ouerdane, Associate Professor at the CDE Energy conversion physics and technology group, together with Dr. Patrick Navez (researcher at Loughborough University, UK) published an article “SQUID-based interferometric accelerometer” in the journal “Applied Physics Letters” (American Institute of Physics).
Ivan Sherstov, Timur Abbasov researchers at the laboratory for time and frequency research Skoltech Digital Engineering Center published an article “Toward a New Generation of Compact Transportable Yb+ Optical Clocks” in the journal “Selected Papers on Lasers, Accelerators, and Optics to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of N.G. Basov”.
Digital Engineering Center's associate professor Tatiana Podladchikova co-authored a publication about the European Solar Telescope (EST)